What is the Internet?

Victoria Rulapaugh
1 min readFeb 17, 2021


The internet as a whole is something so complex, I cannot begin to wrap my mind around it. The internet is always progressing and enhancing our cognitive skills. Just since last march, the internet has been used more than ever before. Our cognitive surplus is rising and the thought of newspapers or books are declining. The internet is information, data, socializing, and so much more. It is an endless world of answers, thoughts, ideas, and history. When I think about what is not the internet, I believe that to be nothing. I know the internet is technically supposed to be online, but I believe it to be learning and using social networks. If you think about it, everything could be classified as the internet because you learn something new just in your day to day experiences. The only plus side of the internet on a laptop or phone is that you get your information instantly with little to no effort being put into it. I think the internet is becoming something that no one will fully understand because it is evolving everyday. News headlines, data, research, apps, you name it are being produced quicker than we thought was possible. I do sometimes believe the internet is alive and my prime example of that is Siri on mac products. She literally listens to you. I find myself on social media and something I was just talking about pops up and its honestly terrifying. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but it is definitely not.

